Unsealing Emptiness

Chapter 337

But what surprised everyone even more was that something was coming out of it right now!

Ozul squinted to get a good look at the dull white fabric that fluttered out of the void. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else when the pure void was so enticing.

If the spatial crack were a fire lamp, Ozul would resemble a moth blindly drawn to its flame.

Everyone held their breaths.

It only took a split second for everything to sink in. It wasn’t some mysterious object or a monster beyond their comprehension that emerged from the spatial crack; it was simply a human being!

The dull white robes fluttered in the air as the man stepped out of the spatial crack, and the wind began to blow again. The spatial crack immediately closed, as if reality had been played in reverse.


The man glanced around him for a split second before his eyes coldly glanced at the people below him.

A sneer stretched across his face as his gaze fell on the old man, whom he instantly recognized “Senior Gu... We haven’t seen each other in a long time.”

Due to the obvious contempt in his tone, it was clear that Old Gu didn’t get along with this new person who addressed him with honorifics.

“Indeed, yet it doesn’t feel that way. After all, your hand is still crippled.”

With a grin on his face, Old Gu responded immediately. He didn’t appear to be fazed by the man. His remark drew Ozul’s attention to the man’s unnatural arm position.

He wore his blonde hair behind his back, tied with a ribbon. The robes were a little baggy, but they seemed to fit him perfectly. Despite their fluttering, Ozul could tell the man had the posture of a thick tree.

Ozul pondered in his mind, ‘I can’t sense his power either.’ Because the man’s attention was currently occupied by Old Gu, it was a good opportunity to gauge his strength.


The man gave him a side glance and squinted his eyes a little when Old Gu coughed a little.

“Get it over with quickly... KunKun~”

“What did you call me?!”

‘He saved me,’ Ozul had a feeling that Old Gu intentionally diverted the man’s attention.

“It doesn’t matter what I call you. Are you so free or did your master forget to teach you the basics of time flow?” Old Gu shook his head with a face filled with almost genuine disappointment. If one didn’t know any better, they would think that he was really concerned for the man.

“You sure can talk after being here for over ten thousand years, Senior. It makes a junior like me really wonder if you are still sane and haven’t lost your mind with age.”

“Don’t worry, I can still wipe your ass with my eyes closed.”

“You are forgetting everything works differently here, Senior,” the man who Old Gu called ‘KunKun’ sneered in disdain and decided not to indulge with the old man more than he already had.

He swept his gaze once more across the fourteen people on the ground, and a frown formed on his already clenched brows.

“Why are there only 14 people here? They had ordered you for at least 30!”

His questions were directed at Old Gu, who was cleaning his ears!

“I told them to stop fighting when there were only 30 left, but look at them! This bunch is truly an unruly one; they didn’t even listen to me and have only now stopped.” With a mix of rage and dissatisfaction, Old Gu pointed his greasy finger at the people down on the hill.

Even ‘KunKun’ had the impression that this was how Old Gu felt for a brief moment, but looking at the faces of those 14 survivors being pointed at, it was clear that the old man was shifting blame.

His clenched fists shook with rage, but he forced himself to calm down. ‘Just wait until I report this back, they might overturn their decision not to end your punishment here after all,’ he reasoned in his mind.

He took deep breaths, and a wisp of cold wind blew again, chilling even Rank-8 Mages.

It wasn’t natural, everyone thought, but no one dared to ask any questions. If they knew anything, it was that even if they all combined their strength, they wouldn’t be able to compete with these two people floating in the air.

“I believe you already know what’s going to happen now, so let’s g-”

“Cough!” Old Gu coughed loudly.


The muscles on ‘KunKun’s’ face twitched visibly. To the point where even the most clueless could tell how enraged he was.

“You didn’t tell them anything... did you?”

“Hm... I may have forgotten a little. Anyway, I was informed that I was called back?” Old Gu quickly switched the topic.

“Regrettably so,” ‘KunKun’ muttered quietly to himself.

“Your opinion makes absolutely dirt difference. KunKun~, it would be so kind of you to open the gate now.”

If looks could kill, Old Gu would have already been a dead man a thousand times over!

‘KunKun’ had no choice but to comply with Old Gu’s request. He appeared to do nothing when the space behind him cracked again, revealing an abyss filled with unending depths.

Before entering the gate, Old Gu cleaned his hand with his half-torn rough clothing. He halted for a short second before entering and looked at Ozul with a cunning gleam in his eyes. Fortunately or unfortunately, ‘KunKun’ was not paying attention to this brief event.

“Pray you don’t meet me again in the future.”

With that, Old Gu’s back disappeared inside the gate.

With the cause for their gloomy expressions no longer present, everyone turned to face the stranger, clearly anticipating answers.


“My surname is Kun, and you should now address me as ‘Senior’. Quietly follow me. If at all possible, avoid opening your mouth. I’m not paid enough to answer your questions,” Kun snorted coldly.

Ozul deduced from Kun’s authoritative tone that he was most likely someone in a high position wherever they were going.

“You...” Kun finally paid attention to the massive beast, which had been thrown to the ground but stood up after Old Gu left.

“Are you also chosen?” Kun inquired, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he did so. He’d almost forgotten that it wasn’t going to be so easy this time. ‘He chose this beast on purpose! I know it! Just you wait, old bastard!’ He yelled in his head, but his face remained expressionless.

“I am! So what Human? Do you also intend to stop m-”


The pressure that had disappeared after Old Gu left suddenly descended upon her again as her massive body slammed straight into the ground! She couldn’t move a muscle even when she tried to open her mouth again.

If these ‘invisible constraints’ were just a leash when done by Old Gu, now it felt as if this man was about to crush her to death!

“I will ask you one simple question and I don’t want anything other than a yes or a no. Understand?” Kun asked with a chilling voice.

It would have made others take a few steps back, but the Sovereign continued to glare at him with her reddened slits.

“Quite a feisty one, huh.” Kun raised his brow and a smirk spread across his face, “Let’s see how long you can last then.”


Strange rumbling sounds filled with pain escaped the Sovereign’s mouth despite her inability to open it.

While others were perplexed by what was going on, Ozul was completely aware of the situation. As Kun continued to torture her, he could sense the Sovereign’s anguished emotions.

“Hm. Have you changed your mind?” Kun retracted a bit of his pressure so the Sovereign could barely move her head.

Her vengeful glare did not dim in the least, but she was now well aware that she was no match for this human. Despite her reluctance, she agreed by moving her head up and down.

“See it wasn’t so hard, was it? Alright, so a simple question; can you change your form to something around a human’s size?”

Despite being a gigantic fox with no human expressions, his question caused the Sovereign to frown.

“Puppy, you don’t want to irritate me. I don’t have much time to waste on all of you. Might I remind you that the most efficient method is to kill you and be done with it?”

From above, Kun looked down on the Sovereign. Ozul could tell he was serious when he said that. They were currently of no value to him, and he could easily dispose of them without having to lift a finger!

‘Was Old Gu as powerful as this?’ Ozul pondered his thoughts.

Surprisingly, he showed no sentiments when confronted with this new situation. It didn’t bother him in the least that his life was at the mercy of another person.

It seemed that the Sovereign had also realized the seriousness of the situation as she finally allowed herself to listen to a human being.

“I... can.”

She had this ability for a very long time now but she chose never to do this because she liked her current form the best.

“Perfect!” Kun happily relieved the Sovereign’s pressure, allowing her to rise to her feet once more. She didn’t, however, immediately try to kill Kun out of rage, as any beast would in her place.

“What are you waiting for?”

Everyone was looking forward to seeing what the Sovereign would transform into. They’d never heard of a Beast so large changing forms and shrinking in size. Not to mention the Mainland’s Sovereign of All Beasts!

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