Rise of the Horde

Chapter 157 - 157

Xiao Chen led his warriors through their expedition. They rested for a few days near the previous battlefield, where they killed thousands of the goblins who raided their camp. The corpses of the other goblins were dried up like they were dried under scorching heat of the sun for many years.

He had his warriors well rested, and the wounded tended to, throughly. Xiao Chen can\'t help but feel sad for his fallen warriors, which fought till the end. The warriors of Yohan suffered a hundred and sixty-five casualties and more than four hundred wounded, with varying wounds from light to serious wounds.

A hundred and sixty-five casualties plus a two hundred one warrior who can no longer take part in future battles. Xiao Chen sent out scouts to find the Bloodpool Goblins and their tribe the old fashion way, as Draegh\'ana\'s summons can\'t be called on for the meantime. She informed him that they need some time to recover first before being summoned again into this world.

While Xiao Chen was mulling over on his next plans, two Yurakks came and disturbed him. "Chief, we have found their location!" the two Yurakks reported at the same time while saluting. Xiao Chen glanced at them and answered their salute.. "Where?" he simply asked. "Just a day into the depth of the woods. The paths leading to their territory are obscured by a thick line of trees that are adorned by thick vines." the skinnier on reported while standing at attention.

"Have you scoured the surroundings thoroughly? How many routes can we take? Evaluation of the paths?" Xiao Chen quickly asked as he needed all information that he could get in order to make a plan.

\'We can move in quicker inside their territory if we take the eastern route into their place but it is surrounded by big trees on both sides and thick bushes which is a perfect place for an ambush and also further away since we will be circling around them. The other routes are very narrow and the widest would only allow three or four of us to be able to move forward in a line. Every path is filled with its own danger but I recommend the eastern route where we can move in, in our formations and repel them of having the advantage of numbers and swarming us." the more muscular one reported as he spoke his thoughts.

Xiao Chen turned around as he whispered to himself of what he was thinking. He was currently planning on how to proceed forward.

"Chief, this might help." the skinnier Yurakk muttered as he reached for something inside his rapsack which was filled with his belongings and necessarily miscellaneous items. On the hand of the Yurakk was a rough map of the Bloodpool Goblin\'s Tribe.

Xiao Chen received it with both hands then crouched down to ground while unfurling the map. He studied the map and asked the two orcs of other things that they saw while they were scouting. It took a few hours of him questioning every single available detail that the two orcs could provide him with in order to create a plan with a high success rate.

It was already deep in the night, but Xiao Chen was still wide awake and the two Yurakks were also with him. They had to accompany their chief since they weren\'t dismissed yet. They just came from a mission and are really tired, but they had to fulfill their duties first.

The sun was already up when Xiao Chen managed to finish everything that he was planning. He studied everything and anything. His plan was just to send in the Rakshas at the center in spear formation with the Yurakks securing their flanks amd rears. The seven surviving goblin prisoners were placed at the center of the formation.


A few hours of settling everything, Xiao Chen brought with him two hundred Rakshas and a hundred Yurakks with their goblin prisoners. The rest were left behind to secure the camp and protect their wounded comrades who were incapable of combat.

Xiao Chen led his warriors to the forefront. His wounds still didn\'t scab fully, but he was out again and going into combat. The two ladies were with them, who were hanging at the center along with their goblin prisoners. Draegh\'ana could still use spells to fight, but not her summons. She was still feeling weak, but she forced herself to join Xiao Chen in his conquest of the Bloodpool Goblins\' destruction.

Looking left and right, Xiao Chen was observing the surroundings of the path that they were taking. They were using the eastern route to enter the territory of the Bloodpool Goblins and exterminate them as the system has issued. The goblin prisoners in the center of their formation were warily looking around but also excited that they were headed inside their territory. They still haven\'t discovered it yet but the Great Goblin Leader that they were so proud of and the one that they are hoping to rescue them was already dead.

"Chief, movements up ahead... On the trees, a Raksha who was right beside Xiao Chen reported making nothing obvious. He spotted the goblins on the tree branches up ahead, but he just spoke softly as to not alert their enemies. Xiao Chen nodded his head in acknowledgement. He has already spotted the goblins on the trees, but he just kept mum about them because he didn\'t want their foes to know that they already know where they were.

The warriors of Yohan knew it that there was something wrong since the surrounding was strangely quiet, which should be infested with wood creatures and their sounds. Moving forward in a tight formation, they were prepared to deal with anything that would come their way.


A sudden cry and shadow figures suddenly descended from the treetops. Xiao Chen raised his head and looked carefully. There he saw it, a goblin holding a primitive spear which was just an almost straight long branch with the tip sliced off.

"It really helps that you create those sounds. Idiots." he muttered as he aligned his crescent-moon spear along the path of the goblin\'s fall. With just a simple move of his weapon, Xiao Chen killed the first goblin exerting no effort as the foolish goblin jumped towards his own death. The goblin was skewered by Xiao Chen\'s weapon and with a flick of his wrist, he sent the now dead goblin flying away.



Like a signal, goblins started jumping down from the treetops and started their ambush, but they were in for a big surprise. The Rakshas simply just pointed their spears towards the sky and the butt of their weapons planted on the ground and just simply waited for the goblins deliver themselves to the embrace of death.

"Maintain your formation! Don\'t break the line! Keep it tight!" Xiao Chen bellowed his commands as he sprinted forward to distance himself from his warriors for him to freely let loose and use the full strength of his weapon. He spun around and smashed those who have made the greatest mistake of their lives by choosing him as their target. Limbs and blood went flying everywhere, which were from the unluckiest goblins that received the full brunt of his attacks. They had no intact corpses to be recovered.

It is within Xiao Chen\'s plans that they would be ambushed while they were on their route to the territory of their foes. That\'s why his warriors didn\'t panic, even if there were thousands upon thousands of goblins assaulting them. They just had to keep their formation and moved forward. The Rakshas will be the main offense, while the Yurakks on both their flanks would protect them from the sides.

The Rakshas easily trampled those that stood in their path. Heavily armed and armored, the Rakshas made quick work of the goblins who had no proper weapons or armor. "Hmmm... Just a little less than the number of those that raided us, huh." Xiao Chen muttered.

He pierced the head of the goblin in front of him and easily almost demolished its entire head. Lifting his weapon up, the corpse of the goblin was lifted in the air as its stiff body dangled on Xiao Chen\'s by just a few pieces of flesh that will easily break with just a little strength. Xiao Chen skewered the next one through the chest and shattered its chest. There were now two corpses dangling on his weapon.


A larger goblin shouted at Xiao Chen, making him turn his head to face the one making the noise. Upon turning around, there he saw it, a hobgoblin holding a shield and a sword. Lazily, Xiao Chen thrusted his weapon forward to which the hobgoblin responded by hiding behind his shield. Effortlessly, his weapon pierced through the hobgoblin\'s shield and went through its body. A fourth of Xiao Chen\'s spear went through its torso. Raising his weapon up, Xiao Chen slammed it downwards on the next hobgoblin that charged at him, sending the corpses on his weapon to fly forward and hit some of their foes.

The warriors of Yohan suffered no casualties as their formation protected them from the assaults of their foes while the bodies of their enemies kept piling up. Xiao Chen and his warriors mowed through the ranks of the goblins and some hobgoblins. Feeling that they weren\'t a match for their foes, the surviving goblins started to flee while the hobgoblins remained and tried to rally their kin to stand their ground, but to no avail.

"Charge forward! Leave none alive!" Xiao Chen shouted as he chased after their retreating opponents. The Yurakks broke away from their formation and followed their chieftain in, chasing after their routed enemies. Discarding their spears, the Rakshas unsheathed their hacking swords and gave chase. In full force, the warriors of Yohan who were with Xiao Chen slaughtered their opponents who no longer had the will to continue the fight.

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