Speed Is King

Chapter 84

“Whoa! It’s dropping like crazy!! There must be many new bettors earlier on who grew pessimistic on Elliot when they saw him test his car. They must have thought that he couldn’t drive! But now that he’s smashing the speed record, the odds have fallen by so much! Good job, Elliot! Free money for us! Woohoo!!!” Void Walker whooped for joy.

“Interest in Earth’s Games had skyrocketed after the Gaming Commission announced that it would be a Game of Kings. In fact, I heard the new Adamantium Sponsors had just arrived.”

“More competition for Elliot huh? Or maybe, they would become Elliot’s sponsors too!” Void Walker said optimistically.

“The odds would be against that.” Monkey King chuckled. “Anyway what payout did you lock in to?”

“Ten thousand four hundred resource planets~!” Void Walker danced around and sang for joy!

“Nice. I got two hundred and six resource planets.” Monkey King grinned foolishly.

“Hey Dragon! Did you bet on Elliot as well?” Void Walker hollered across the room to the Golden Dragon.

“Your loss!” Void Walker called out in a sing-song voice.

Suddenly, the door opened and a large group came into the Diamond Sponsor VIP room noisily.

The large VIP room was large enough to hold five hundred sponsors. And with only around fifty occupying the room earlier, the latest influx of nearly a hundred new Sponsors barely made the room feel crowded.

In fact, it began to feel slightly rowdy and exciting.

As Void Walker and Monkey King studied the newcomers curiously, one of the Diamond Sponsors broke away from the group and approached Void Walker and Monkey King.

“Jules!!” Void Walker cried out in surprise and dashed towards her..

“Jessica.” A transcendentally beautiful elf with luxurious white mage robes smiled at Void Walker and immediately gave her a hug. “It’s been so long! How have you been?”

“I’ve been greeeeat. Really great. And I’ve been having a lot of fun being a sponsor in this particular Game. But why are you here? I thought you really hated the Games?” Void Walker asked Jules curiously. “Not that I’m not happy that you’re here – I am. I’m just curious!”

“I decided to come here to have a little bit of fun with the world you’ve reversed for an entire year. You know that you’ve created an incredible mess outside, right? My uncle even had to make Earth a Battle of Kings to distract the protesters from your little feat!” Jul’Taras playfully chided Jessica Sands the Void Walker.

(Author’s Note: I’ll be switching to calling Void Walker by her name, Jessica Sands, from this point on.)

“Hahaha. I don’t really care about the protesters outside. They can storm into the Gaming Commission’s planet and die by the billions, for all I care. Come! Let me introduce you to my fellow Diamond Sponsor! We’re the only two original bettors for the little dude called Elliot Musk. Jules, meet Monkey. Monkey, this is Jules, my childhood friend!” Jessica Sands introduced the both of them amiably.

“Hello Jules.” Monkey King nodded and smiled politely at her.

“Hello, errrr, Monkey?” Jul’Taras greeted him questioningly.

“You can call me Wu Kong.” Monkey King Wu Kong replied.

“Wait a minute, you have the same name as Elliot’s little monkey??” Jessica Sands asked in surprise.

Monkey King Wu Kong burst out laughing.

“HE has the same name as me, not the other way around. His father named him after me.” Monkey King Wu Kong smiled.

“Oh. I see’¦ You must be pretty close to the little monkey’s dad huh?” Jessica Sands frowned lightly.

“Don’t worry about it. Jules, come sit with us! Let me bring a sofa over for you.” Monkey King Wu Kong offered gallantly.

“Thanks Wu Kong. Don’t worry about the sofa, I got it.” Jul’Taras waved her hand lightly and immediately, a sofa floated towards them and placed itself next to the two sofas already there.

“Awesome! Let’s have a seat! The race is about to begin. Please tell me you’re betting on Elliot as well?” Jessica Sands looked at Jul’Taras hopefully.

“Of course I did. But just a small bet though.” Jul’Taras smiled elegantly and sat down daintily on her sofa. She adjusted the settings to make herself comfortable and then sighed lightly in contentment.

She loved races, and she was actually looking forward to watching Elliot’s race.

“Pfffft. Your small is probably our gigantic. Please kindly expand Monkey’s horizons and tell him just how “small” is your bet!” Jessica Sands scoffed lightly.

“Just ten thousand resource planets for this race.”

Monkey King choked on his tea.


[30 seconds to race start.]

Elliot rolled down his window and stared at the other Honda Civic Type R.

“Hey!” Elliot shouted and gestured for him to roll down his windows.

The alien obediently did as Elliot shouted and rolled down his windows.

Elliot’s eyes opened wide in surprise. It was actually a very well-dressed human! Well, technically it probably wasn’t a human being. Most likely, it shifted its form into a human’s so that it could drive the automobile the way it was designed to be driven.

To feel all the drawbacks, thrills and everything human beings felt when they pushed their automobiles to their limits and then past them.

“A true racing enthusiast then.” Elliot thought grumpily. “Let’s see if insulting him works.”

“Can you understand me?” Elliot shouted at him.

“Yes, I understand you.” A robotic voice sounded from the car’s speakers. He probably used an alien translating device to speak.

“Good. I need to tell you something important. YOUR MOTHER IS A BLOODY STREET WHORE! SHE’S LIKE A B*TCH IN HEAT! I SAW HER YESTERDAY F***ING A DONKEY! A BIG FAT UGLY DONKEY!” Elliot roared out with all of his might!

[15 seconds to race start.]

Elliot could see the alien frown lightly in confusion.


The alien’s eyes began to widen in surprise, then narrow in anger.

[10 seconds to race start.]


“SHUT. UP!” The alien’s speakers began to rumble in anger.

[5 seconds to race start.]

“DONKEY F***ER!! DONKEY F***ER!! YOU’RE A DONKEY F***ER!!!” Elliot shouted with glee!

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