Master Of Myths

Chapter 126 - Well Hello There Fellow Lurker

"I said, it seems Master came to have fun!"

Mia raised her voice a notch but YuJu still didn\'t seem like he heard a thing, compared to her natural regeneration and healing through blood he fell short

"One second"

Having her pause the thought his mouth opened revealing the same vampiric fangs as her\'s before plunging them into the utterly crippled bat in his hands

The creature could barely groan in agony, partially because it already experienced much worse after having every joint in its body dislocated and the other part because his bite wasn\'t actually painful, one could say it was even addicting if not for the blood in one\'s body quickly running dry

Once he\'d had enough to heal while making sure the bat doesn\'t croak he retracted his fangs from the poor creature\'s neck and looked at Mia for another repeat now that he\'s no longer as deaf

"I was praising your splendid battle Master"

She rephrased for some unknown reason

"You did quite well yourself, amateurish in battle skills as you might be"

"Well I sure do not think I\'m a natural but at least I should be somewhat professional?"

Mia questioned feeling indigent about being called an armature when she\'s never been hit since the day she was reborn as a half vampire, honestly if this came from anyone other than the one who reformed her blood then she would certainly be showing them what it means to be a professional by taking a few swipes at their babbling mouth

"No, you using your instincts to judge the best course of action and leveraging your extreme speed to act based upon said instincts"

"But fighting with one\'s instincts is the best way to fight no?"

"You tell me, who was faster just now, me or the bat?"

"I...Believe it was the batMaster…"

"And who was stronger?"

"Also the bat"

"And it fought with instincts did it not? Yet it was I who came out on top with my guided moves"

Mia wanted to say it was because he was too much of an expert but that just seemed to prove his point further so a retort she could not find

"The reason man was able to beat beasts even when we were weak was due to out intelligence, just because your now as strong as a beast that doesn\'t mean you can throw throw your advantage away"

He instructed, though in thrush he was withholding some information

\'Yes, one can fight with instincts, but not everyone is born to have perfect battle instincts like Ellis, Mia is just not cut out for that style of fighting\'

The reason he didn\'t voice it out is not to hurt her pride, at least not yet, once the redhead came here and showed off her fierce natural fighting abilities Mia would surely realize the difference between those born to fight and those having to train to achieve even the tiniest of the former\'s progress

\'This reminds me, I would have stayed a skulking assassin if not for that hard headed tree\'s tortu….teaching\'

He seemed to smile even though the memories were not particularly enjoyable, and it was the smile that easily won Mia\'s swaying opinion on the matter

"Then I\'ll train hard Master"

She agreed, though she believed herself to still be an expert fighter it wasn\'t good to argue with him

\'Is this excessive pride originating from her undefeated record since becoming a vampire or the race\'s natural pride itself? Perhaps both\'

He couldn\'t help but wonder seeing how nonchalant she really was about the matter

Seeing as the matter could only be solved with reality check he decided to let Ellis do the explaining with her swords once she came with him on the next visit

"Let\'s head back, we need to send this one to Subrina as soon as possible"

Dragging the beast he was about to rush out the building when another bat of similar size to the one in his hands landed hastily in front of him

"Master, let this one carry it for you"

Mia suggested with a smile as the large bat bowed, not upside down,showing more intelligence than the ones she\'d been training for a while now

\'SHould I also send this one to Subrina? Hmm, it would be better to let it grow more intelligent first, I can always extract the blood essence it later\'

Throwing the diabled body to the bat that shivered out of nowhere for some reason he, and the two, rushed out of this den of a mall, behind them clouds of bats following in the dead of the night


The place once more descended into silence for a long time

".....Did they leave?"

"I believe so"

Two figures whispered as one shimmered onto the roof of the mall, his figure darker than his surroundings even under the pale moonlight

"That man, was he a vampire or not?"

"Did you not see how he bit into the bat\'s neck? Clearly he is a vampire"

"But his eyes aren\'t red, weren\'t the woman\'s eyes red?"

"So what, it\'s not like we have ever met vampires before now, maybe not all vampire\'s eyes are red"

"Hmm, maybe you\'re right, so what do we do now? Follow them to their den?

"Reporting their presence is enough already, I would rather not entangle with monsters like those"

"Now that\'s quite the harsh thing to say to people you\'ve not really met yet"

"What do you mean harsh, didn\'t you see how…."

Suddenly realizing that wasn\'t the voice of his comrade the darkly clad man turned to see two figures standing before a body, one that sadly belonged to his now dead comrade

"You! But I clearly saw you-"

"Run into the distance, way out of sight? Yes, we just did a double back after that"

".....How, I made not the slightest of sound"

The man didn\'t panic beyond the first shock, he just wanted to know what gave away his position

"I am quite curious to that as well Master, neither nor any of of the bats caught onto his position"

Mia pitched in, really wanting to know the secret behind her Master\'s impressive feat, after all she could sense that the man blended into the shadows around him like he himself was one, even her lurk wasn\'t quite as good, much to her slight displeasure

"Quite simple really"

Since it was just his follower and a sac of blood he didn\'t mind revealing this small secret of his

"Its because you looked at me"



Mia found it confusing how the two were related, yet there were a ton of skills that could achieve impossible things so it wasn\'t too absurd

The man clad in darkness seemed to disagree however, he was about to die because of an absurd mistake!! You can\'t even look at people nowadays? What has this world come to

"Make me a vampire as well!"

The man suddenly begged, bowing his head to the two monsters before him

To this Mia gave a disgusted glance, YuJu however didn\'t outright decline

"Which group do you belong to"

Seeing as he wasn\'t instantly drained into skin and bones the man wiped his forehead and replied with a little reluctance in his voice

"I\'m from a group of wandering scouts, we aren\'t really much of a fighting group and we just roam the city looking for survivors to guide them into the safe settlements, our group isn\'t strong though and not really worth the mention"

"What good people your group must be, helping others for nothing in return"

Mia sarcastically praised, scoffing at the useless show of generosity

The man gulped nervously hearing that, the woman clearly didn\'t like him, still he knew the decision was in this young man\'s hands, or was he old? It was hard to tell since he seemed to be a vampire

"That means you know your way around the place and have a good reputation, fits the bill, we will have one of our vampire\'s make you into a thrall, if your hard working I won\'t make you a beast who crazes over blood, on that you have my word"

It wasn\'t the best option but he would settle for whatever left him alive, even the woman\'s somewhat murderous gaze from before seemed to lessen hearing he was to be made a thrall

"Now excuse me for a moment, I must greet the rest of our hidden friends"

With a light smirk YuJu vanished leaving Mia to watch the man as he sweat bullets

\'What mad stealth techniques, the rest of the people hiding...will they live?\'

Good hearted as he was he couldn\'t really lie to himself, most probably those people would either die like his comrade, best ending would be turning into a thrall which, after the man\'s promising words, seemed scarier than death

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