Chapter 90

′′ Eh, what do you mean? ′′ Express Sasha confused by my outburst.

′′ No “Hey, what do you mean?”, This place is a pigsty, the living room is full of garbage, the kitchen is full of dirty dishes that extend to the dining room and smoke comes out of bizarre colors of that door between open at the end of the corridor; So I really hope that door leads to your alchemy lab and not the bathroom. How can a human being and even more importantly, how can a woman live in these conditions, what are you? A pig? I can only assume that your room is going to be a mess of the same proportions with accumulated dirty clothes and trash everywhere. . . Oh my god, the damn zombies can wait, bring a couple of brooms and we’ll get to clean up. ′′

My criticisms and desperate cries for cleaning instruments were only answered by the stunned expression on Sasha’s face, so I proceeded to shake her like a rattle and repeat aloud.

′′ Bring the cleaning supplies, let’s clean this place; Now! ′′

(Third person POV)

As has been demonstrated on multiple occasions, Desmond’s personality was at best. . . chaotic. On a day-to-day basis, he usually seems just like a playful boy with no worries in life, when he trains he shows serenity and iron will that would put anyone to shame; And anyone who has ever pissed him off knows how explosive and violent Desmond can be.

This is even reflected in his affinity with the respective elements of mana since he has an affinity with two incompatible elements such as water and fire, it is not that Desmond is crazy or has a mental imbalance (currently); rather, he has his respective reasons for his personality traits and does not alternate between them in a chaotic or bipolar way.

But within this somewhat disorderly personality, there was one thing that probably only Claire had experienced first hand and that was that Desmond had a little obsession with order, if someone were to walk into Desmond’s house right now and pay attention then they would notice that everything seems very clean and unusually neat.


The pots inside the home arranged from smallest to largest in their respective decoration areas, the loose cushions of the armchair are aligned according to a particular pattern in their design, the books in the only bookcase in the house were perfectly placed and aligned without No speck of dust to observe and the kitchen that was Desmond’s sacred realm was an area that he ordered not according to a certain parameter but was all arranged according to his specific preferences and cooking habits.

Oddly enough, Desmond’s obsession with the order was not that strong in reality, he is only particularly strict with his areas of work or study and does not show much interest in meddling in the space or life of others.

So under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t have cared much if someone else’s house came in and it wasn’t clean, because from his point of view this had nothing to do with himself, in fact, Desmond wouldn’t care even if his neighbor’s house was lit as long as the smoke and ash did not litter his garden.

But witnessing a scene that would unnerve even a normal person, one can only imagine how a person with slight tendencies to control and order would feel; well the answer can easily be described by the scene happening at Sasha’s house right now.

A Desmond with the attitude of a hellish commander was guiding Sasha from one place to another while they cleaned the living room and other areas of the house, when taking out the garbage, Sasha mentioned that there was nowhere to dispose of household waste so staying true to his recently discovered pyromaniac tendencies, Desmond ended up burning down almost everything he found in a secluded corner of the property.

The most difficult and disgusting part was undoubtedly the kitchen, there were dirty dishes that were already in a state from which they could not be saved, living and dead things growing in various places and God only knows how many times Desmond had the urge to set the kitchen on fire. cook completely to get rid of that filth. Luckily for Sasha, the owner of this house made of highly combustible materials, Desmond was not so irrational as to do something like that. . . Unfortunately for Sasha herself, Desmond even had her help with the almost spartan task of cleaning up the filth.

Observing a clean and tidy living room with a couple of quite homey couches in it, as well as a now perfectly neat kitchen with a small dining area placed right next to the window to enjoy the food and the view at the same time; Desmond found himself very proud of her skills as a housekeeper and although Sasha found it somewhat unexpected of Desmond to be good at these kinds of tasks, she was more focused on the enormous exhaustion she was feeling at the moment.

After cleaning the place, sunset could be seen in the distance indicating the end of the day and the descent of the night, only then did Desmond realize that he had not eaten anything until now and taking into account that Sasha had. accompanied much of the time it was likely that she did not eat anything either.

′′ Miss Ignis, would you allow me to use your kitchen to prepare something to eat for both of you. ′′ Desmond asked, as an avid diner and hobbyist chef he was particularly formal and even respectful when it came to using someone else’s kitchen.

′′ Ah? . . . Oh sure, whatever you like, anyway, you’re probably a better cook than I am. “Sasha exclaimed, caught off guard by Desmond’s sudden way of addressing her.

′′ Any particular preference? ′′ Desmond asked as he put away the cleaning supplies.

′′ Not really ′′ Said Sasha who, in a very lazy, but somewhat sexy way, had already laid down on a sofa to rest.

So while Sasha lounged on a small couch in the living room, Desmond made his way into the kitchen and got ready to cook something for both of them, menu-wise. . . Desmond had chosen a classic of restaurants where there are magical girls for waitresses, as for the reason; I do not think it is necessary to give more explanations.

Of course, considering that Desmond could only use ingredients similar to those he has seen or used before, it is still in doubt if whatever comes out of the stove is edible; but taking into account the fact that Desmond was the legendary man who managed to date his little sister. . . Well, more impossible things have happened around here lately.

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