Chapter 350

Normally criminals feel more comfortable operating at night away from the uncomfortable eyes of law enforcement officers, interestingly on this particular night, a particular group of criminals thought how good it would be to be during the day somewhere protected by officers of the law.

The reason? Well, maybe it was because the ten men had been kidnapped and brought to some vacant place on the outskirts of the city, added to that they were all tied hand and foot; if not enough now these ten men were under the cold gaze of a group of masked people.

“I’ll be very honest, I thought at least one of you wouldn’t be a complete piece of scum, but I guess he was wrong; Very good. Who wants to be the first?” One of the masked people spoke calmly briefly addressing the group of bound criminals before easily turning around and asking the group behind him a question.

Of the five people behind the man, some seemed to want to step forward but after a brief hesitation all of them ended up staying right where they were.

“I see, I guess this was to be expected.” The man shrugged before proceeding to remove his mask revealing a handsome and charismatic face decorated by two intense blue eyes.

The gagged criminals’ eyes widened as they recognized the man like the famous Lieutenant Desmond Astryd, a famous hero in the city; the criminals just didn’t understand what was going on.

“Oops, it seems that now these people saw my face and they clearly seem to have recognized me, I wonder what would happen if these people were free to reveal what is going on in this place, I guess my reputation would crumble and I might even see myself subjected to various investigations that could endanger my safety; After all, no one will take kindly to the city hero kidnapping people at night, right?” Following his strange speech about a possible outcome of his current actions, Desmond watched with a smile at the five people behind him as he ignored the criminals, and with a snap of his fingers, the restraints of one of the criminals were let loose.

“Fuck it.” Quickly realizing that his life was in danger, the now loose criminal ran with all his might into the city, Desmond’s words like the devil’s whisper giving the criminal an idea of ??exactly what to do; all this without realizing that his actions would be the trigger for his own death.


The criminal just didn’t understand that the five people behind Desmond might not have the courage to take the initiative to take a life under other circumstances, but when it came to protecting and serving his master... they would not hesitate.

Bang* Bang* Bang*

One of the five figures was the quickest to react, putting three bullets into the back of the man who collapsed in mid-escaping from them.

“I didn’t think Sara would be the first,” Desmond commented with a hint of appreciation.

Sara, who opened fire, was shocked to realize that she had taken a person’s life, but at the notion of being appreciated by Desmond, the guilt became unimportant to her, all she wanted was to be of use to Desmond, becoming useful to him, being appreciated by him was all she wanted.

Tania felt embarrassed that it was Sara the youngest of the group who took the lead in passing Desmond’s test so she unholstered her gun and emptied half the magazine into the chest of one of the bound criminals.

A complicated flash passed through Tania’s eyes but she then looked at her companions and at the man who had taken them out of that world of misery in which they found themselves; this reaffirming her will to follow him to hell itself if necessary.

Natalie followed the example of the older sister and shot another of the men while a low murmur of contempt left her lips, being one of the ones who suffered the most sexual abuse when she was captured, her hatred for men was difficult to hide or delete; for her the only decent man in the world was Desmond and she would do anything to win his affection.

Kira and Yulei hesitated but holding hands, both gathered the courage to step forward and open fire on the bound criminals, both trembled at the sight of blood spilling, coming to accept their own actions, under their masks, both girls cried in a low voice and her hands clenched trying to use the other as something to cling to so as not to collapse.

Seeing that Kira and Yulei seemed much more affected than the rest, Desmond understood that all people were different and that it was not a matter of loyalty or weakness. Since it was he who subjected them to this due to his own interests, Desmond felt quite guilty about it as hypocritical as this was so stepping forward Desmond hugged both girls who burst into his chest crying at the top of their lungs.

Feeling that within Desmond’s embrace they were safe, both Kira and Yulei couldn’t take it anymore letting their unsettled emotions run wild.

Sara saw the opportunity to be comforted by Desmond and did not hesitate to take advantage of it, clinging to Desmond’s right arm with a helpless expression on her face trying to alleviate the pain that she hid in her chest with Desmond’s affection.

Natalie didn’t want to be left behind and although she didn’t really feel guilty about killing those pieces of shit, she still hugged Desmond’s other arm rubbing her ample breasts against Desmond with a flirtatious and innocent face.

By her side, Tania hugged the four girls from behind reaching out her hands to lightly hold Desmond’s clothes as she tried to add some comfort to the girls at the same time she too felt quite complicated but determined by Desmond’s actions.

With five of the criminals still alive, the scene of affection was quite bizarre for them after having seen these people execute the other five, but the five men were not able to observe the scene for long because from their shadows a pair of hands Delicates were spread out with a knife in hand and one by one the criminals died with their throats slit.

With some haste, Revna came out of her shadow form and hugged Desmond from behind as she stood on her tiptoes to look at the rest of the girls in her master’s embrace and with a meaningful smile she whispered in a seductive voice, “The master truly knows how to win the heart of a woman, first you make us feel vulnerable and then you become our pillar of support; I understand that it is necessary but I am afraid that later you will not be able to get rid of us”

At the same time Revna’s mischievous hands clung to Desmond’s chest and as the guilt born of her words racked Desmond’s conscience, a deepening dependency, almost blind adoration, and loyalty were born in the minds of the other five girls. for Revna? it was likely that her loyalty and obsession were already high enough to commit suicide if Desmond asked her so her mentality didn’t really change much.

The quiet moment passed with many assorted thoughts and ideas going through the minds of those involved and it was none other than Revna who broke the silence with a question that made the other five girls uncomfortable: “Well, how long do you plan to keep abusing the master’s kindness? We still have to handle the bodies.”

Embarrassed and slightly flushed, the five girls quickly separated from Desmond, each with different expressions on their faces.

Not wanting the atmosphere of awkwardness to linger or continue to put pressure on the girls’ psyches by forcing them to handle the bodies, Desmond set the bodies on fire with a snap of his fingers and turned to tell the girls to return to the restaurant.

Back at the restaurant, the girls gathered in the second-floor living room that led to their bedrooms and peered at Desmond who rarely came here.

On a small table in the center of the living room, six small vials rested quietly, the contents a deep navy blue liquid with small white sparkles occasionally arising within it.

Originally a potion that Sasha had kept in her personal stash for an indefinite time, as its effects were of little use to her, but when Desmond asked about something he could give the girls as a small reward for going through the long training as well as for enduring the test tonight; Sasha insisted that Desmond use these potions.

Revna, Tania, Sara, Natalie, Kira, and Yulei looked with interest at the six jars on the table wondering what kind of magic item their master would bring out this time.

For the last few months, Desmond had fed the girls pills and potions that made their strength grow by leaps and bounds so the girls knew about these but still didn’t understand where Desmond got them since such things didn’t exist anywhere at least that was common knowledge.

In the six girls’ minds, this was just one of many mysteries about their master and only Revna knew where the potions came from, which she never told the girls at Desmond’s request.

Seeing the interesting looks from the six girls, Desmond thought he might as well end the cliffhanger and explain to the girl the effect of the potions... it’s just that he never expected the girls’ reaction to be so intense, Like hungry lions, the girls’ gaze turned dangerously hungry as they stared at the potions.

Even the mighty Desmond was intimidated by the look on the girls’ faces and quickly handed over the potions at least feeling satisfied that the girls behaved properly despite everything.

Saying goodbye to the girls who looked at him with looks full of respect, loyalty, appreciation, and something else; Desmond left the place quickly and as he headed home he couldn’t help but comment, “Women can be very scary.”

Desmond’s heart almost skipped a beat as the reply from Revna who he thought was left behind came to his ears: “When the master told us it was a potion that would heal all of our scars and marks while also increasing our charm; there was no way the girls weren’t excited.”

Getting over his shock, Desmond nodded, acknowledging that what Revna had said made a lot of sense. What Revna didn’t mention is that most of the girls had thought that Desmond giving them this kind of beauty potion was because he himself was interested in enjoying the girls’ company once they used it; Being well aware of how beautiful Claire and Sasha were, the girls were eager to see themselves in the mirror after using the potions.

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