It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 235: COMEBACK TO ME

Chapter 235: COMEBACK TO ME

With his eyes darkened, he tried to walk toward the bathroom while clutching his head which was throbbing painfully.

Ramon had never felt such pain before and although occasionally some memories flashed through his head about the events of four years ago or old memories that he had forgotten, the pain had never been like this.

Ramon staggered toward the bathroom and when he was inside, he quickly closed the door so the groans of pain that escaped his lips wouldn\'t wake up Hailee and worry her, as that was the last thing he wanted.

The voice of Dr. Mark, his therapist, echoed in his head again, reminding him of what to do if something like this happened.

So, slowly, Ramon followed the instructions he remembered and sat leaning on the cold bathroom floor. He then tried to catch his breath and let the memories flow by themselves and didn\'t try to fight back.

The first memory that came to his mind was him standing on a hotel balcony and looking at the city lights that lit up the night sky.

The cold wind blew against Ramon\'s skin and it felt real to him, even though the scene was actually just a part of his memory that came back.

While Ramon was standing there, enjoying the silence, someone suddenly hugged him from behind tightly.

For some reason, Ramon knew who was hugging him now.

"Giana," Ramon said quietly and the name slipped from his lips, sounding very intimate and familiar. Did he always call her like that before?

Hearing her name being called, Giana laughed softly behind Ramon\'s bare back. "What are you thinking about?" she asked. She then peeked from behind Ramon\'s back and looked at him with her droopy eyes.

Giana was only wearing a bathrobe and her hair was a little wet, it looked like she had just finished taking a shower.

"Nothing," replied Ramon in his flat voice and Giana pursed her lips.

"You\'re lying, I know that expression," said Giana. "Is something bothering you?" she asked. "Just tell me, I\'ll listen."

For a moment Ramon stared at Giana, but the woman couldn\'t tell what Ramon really felt, because he hid his feelings well.

"Nothing," said Ramon again, repeating the same answer, then he moved his hand back to grab Giana\'s body, which then he hugged her tightly.

Getting such sweet treatment of course made Giana happy. She buried her face against Ramon\'s chest, while the man stroked her long hair.

"How about you?" asked Ramon, his eyes blank when he saw the night lights of city A. "How is your relationship with Leon?"

Giana let out a tired sigh. "He still doesn\'t want to go back home and isn\'t even tempted to get his inheritance. If Uncle Leon wants to apologize to Grandpa, he will surely be forgiven, because after all he is the first son."

"Hm," Ramon mumbled when he heard Giana\'s answer. "If Leon gets the inheritance, won\'t Larry\'s position be jeopardized?"

Giana pursed her lips. "Yeah, I know…" she mumbled glumly. "But, if I\'m being honest, I like Uncle Leon more than my own father."

Silence fell over them both following Giana\'s answer, until the woman spoke again.

"This might be strange, but why are you so interested in knowing about Uncle Leon\'s situation? Or is it just me?" she asked carefully, looking at Ramon with her big eyes.

And the memories stopped there.

Ramon couldn\'t remember what his answer was, or how he reacted when Giana questioned him.

But, he knew one thing for sure. Regardless of what it had to do with Giana, it seemed that he had been more interested in information about Leon Dawson.

Who is that man? And what does he have to do with Lis?

The information that Ramon got seemed to be very lacking… he needed to find out more about Lis and Leon\'s relationship.

After Ramon felt that his headache had subsided a bit, he then stumbled into his room and found Hailee, still fast asleep.

For some reason, looking at the face of his wife who was sleeping soundly without worrying about her surroundings, helped Ramon feel much better.

Slowly, Ramon climbed onto the bed and hugged Hailee from behind, kissing the nape of her neck and this made Hailee turn around, still asleep and hug him back.

Ramon hugged her closer, so that Hailee\'s signature scent could be smelled by him and this helped him fall back asleep.

Ramon hoped that his memories wouldn\'t come suddenly again like just now, because he was already tired of all the mysteries that surrounded him.

For now, Ramon just wanted to enjoy his sleep and spend the night with Hailee in his arms.


Giana moaned as Dillon touched her roughly.

Their breaths caught in the darkness of the room which was only lit by the dim light of the moon that shone through the two of them from the bedroom window.

Dillon pulled Giana, so that the woman would look at him, while Giana looked at Dillon with eyes full of desire.

It wasn\'t the first time they had done this, but it was the first time Giana had done this consciously and now she could see how much Dillon wanted her.

He wanted herself completely and there were no other words to describe how Dillon looked at her now other than adoring.

The soft moonlight streamed into the room through the large window behind Dillon, shining on his back which was glistening with the sweat dripping down his bare shoulders.

All of this seemed surreal and intoxicating, but when Dillon stopped to whisper to Giana, his voice trembled and filled with deep emotion.

"Giana I love you, I want you…" he whispered hoping Giana would say the same, or else they would wake up and act like this never happened. And, Dillon didn\'t want that.

Meanwhile, Giana could feel Dillon\'s warm breath on her neck and when she answered the man\'s desperate statement, she hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, me too… come back to me…"

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