The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 578

“Nonsense,” said he, “-don’t try to defuse the situation.”

“Fine. Here then, Mother and Big sister Eira arrived at my door a few days ago. They were in rags and hadn’t eaten in a few days. From what my sister told me, they ran from the kingdom and barely managed to teleport outside the border. From there, with no money and nothing valuable, they’ve walked and asked, worked part-time, helped in slaying a few monsters till here.”

“Tough bout,” cried he, “-anything else, the arguments more sentimental. Straighten up, cousin.”

“Right,” he breathed, “-emotionless as usual,” a glance showed deep bloodlust-colored irises. “The merit is you have royal blood and the rightful inheritor of the throne. Princess Eira’s the next queen.”

“Great,” said he sarcastically, “-how about I take an army and launch an attack against Arda. A revolution for the Ardanians, how does that sound?”

“Good actually,” returned the prince staring into the vacant distance. The fingers moved about the nonexistent beard, “-might just work.”


“Stop it,” refused Igna, “-no way that’ll happen. The Empire’s powerful as is, now, add the church, we’re grasping at straws. This wouldn’t have happened in the first place if,” a swipe broke the barrier and opened the door, “-not for an incompetent queen and princess!”

“Oh,” they stood stumped by what to do next, “-hmm...”

“Queen Shanna and Princess Eira,” glared Igna, “-come on in.” The howling figure stretched long-skinny fingers about the room, it curled invitingly to dance with the devil. One measly step inside and the body cried a severe head ache and nausea culled any left-over discontent. Another gesture and the door shut automatically. No magic was involved. éclair’s influence stretched out around the whole apartment, windows, doors, to even the toilet, total control. A few meters onto the scorching heat of a never-ending desert. Sand for miles on end, currently, the sand was replaced into a miasmic substance of black and red. Even though Julius sat a stride away, their body and faces were blurred, the dense aura and presence made such a simple venture into a trek into his territory.

‘What’s wrong with him?’ wondered Eira, ‘-the presence is too strong. Using magic to counter it is useless, there’s nothing to fight raw strength against. My body’s shaking, my mind says to run, my heart’s beating fast. The element’s reacting, I feel the mana coursing through my veins, this feeling of fight or flight, I hear even the Dragon’s voice.’

“Sit already,” said Igna, the density eased too normal.

“Julius,” coughed Shanna, “-were you fighting against such a foe?”

“Mother,” said he in sympathy, “-it was more of a test than fight. Cousin Igna here is a very hard shell to crack.”

“I’m still here,” returned he murderously. Sat comfortably, the conversation resumed.

“I understand what you said, cousin,” pleaded Julius, “-if not for the queen’s demeanor and the princess stubbornness, this could have been avoided.”

“Insolence!” refuted Eira, “-how can this be our fault?”

“Silence!” snarled Igna, “-this conversation is between cousin Julius and I. Exiled Queen and Princess, we stand in Rotherham, of which I remind is the dukedom of my lady mother. Please maintain decorum and not lash as if a jealous kid?”

“Cousin,” sighed Julius, “-a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

“No, I think it’s adequate. I mean, guests’ who’d prefer to eavesdrop on private discussion don’t have the right to an opinion. If basic ethics cannot be maintained, what’s the difference between an animal and them?”

“Still, isn’t it the host’s responsibility to care for the guests?” argued Julius.

“Cousin, dear cousin,” monotonous and heavy, “-they’re not guests. How about changing the subject, a frivolous argument isn’t going to resolve the matter at hand.”

“As I was saying-”

“No need,” he interjected, “-continue with the reason.”

“Queen Shanna and Princess Eira are here to petition help in reconquering Arda.”

“-And?” he paused, “-should this not be taken to Lady Elvira or my lady mother?”

“Thing is,” he gulped, “-they’re at odds end. Any audience will end in failure.”

“You sought refuge in me,” facepalming, “-cousin, the power to alter the course of the world is at thy disposal, why not use ’em?”

“Might I speak?” interjected the Queen.

“Queen Shanna,” he watched silently, “-go ahead.”

“The blames on us,” said she in woe, “-we’re the ones who are responsible for the attack and invasion. I didn’t realize my fiance to be such a shame of a man. I was content in having him by my side if it meant running away from the responsibilities.”

“I see,” said Igna softly.

Her face lightened in bliss, the words reached his heart,”-you understand?”

“NO!” a direct refusal, “-how ignorant and childish can a queen get. It doesn’t matter if you’re lonely or sad, an entire kingdom rests on thy shoulders. Royalty doesn’t have the right to complain and run, they’re to stand strong and lead by example.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” returned Eira, “-you haven’t experienced pain as we have.”

“Pain huh,” he stood, “-listen here, princess, don’t play the damned victim. People are dying because your QUEEN was lonely. What is there to show for the trouble, a kid. A queen without her kingdom is nothing more than a woman. Considering the queen threw away her only aid, she’s more of a burden than anything else. I’d honestly recommend to give and return to thy husband’s feet. Beg and lick the floor, become a mistress to the new kingdom, isn’t it the duty of a wife to follow her loved one?”


“I’m not done, princess,” he ripped open the shirt, “-remember now, Librarian of Nexsolium? The sword running through my stomach.”

“W-what a-are you s-saying?” her face froze.

“Librarian of Nexsolium, return to your master and pray,” he grabbed her chin, “-I’m the reincarnation of Staxius Haggard, I’ve come to take back what was stolen from me, do you understand?”

“R-reincarnation?” the room slumped in silence.

“Yes,” he glared, “-I said this before, be my ally or be my enemy, the choice is yours. The latter was chosen, therefore, tis decided,” the gripped eased, “-my legacy and the kingdom I strived to make for the inhumane is in jeopardy. Princess Eira, wouldn’t you like to explain how I was killed, tell her, please do. All of this rests on thy weak shoulders,” stepping away, “-not that it matters now. The people I once vowed to protect are being used as livestock. If this were the old me, I’d take to the front lines. Now,” the curtain parted, “-there’s no connection to be made.”

“S-Staxius,” her hand stretched out, “-y-you c-came back.”

“Yes,” returned he, “-not for you, Shanna Islegust. I’ve returned for vengeance. Those who steal from me must pay dearly.”

“Still, you came back for me, didn’t you?” her eyes watered, “-I’ve missed-”

“Majesty,” he bowed, “-the Staxius of old is long gone. He was slain at the hands of his daughter, what stands here is naught but a shell. Congratulations, Princess Eira, the quest of slaying a god was successful. I’ve figured much from our exchange. Be my guest at stay in Rotherham as long as necessary. Prince Julius will help. Try to live a normal life. Once royalty falls, there’s nothing left to be reclaimed. Arda’s done for, the countless lives are in thy hands. Bear the burden till time passes by.”

The long-winded one-sided onslaught of words ended in silence. The guests walked to the guest room; Julius followed. “Who does he think he is?” exclaimed Eira, “-what a pretentious boy. All of this isn’t without reason. Lady mother suffered from whence he left, always running away to do quests and explore the world. He never really cared about us, left in his shadow, to grasp at air. How dare he say all of this is mother’s fault, it’s not, he should take responsibility.”

“I get what you’re saying,” said Julius, “-there’s no right and wrong here. Father did what he had to make the country strive. Between managing a kingdom and fighting for survival; hard to imagine how someone could strive to walk. I heard during Kreston’s holy invasion – the Duke of Dorchester, Julius Garnet, and his sister, were slaughtered in cold blood. Not only that, he lost all the companions he’d made over the years. Imagine losing all you cared about in a single day. I’m not saying to exempt him from blame, he has his fair share of faults. In the end, he knew what mattered the most. The kingdom and their people, the federation striving to make a world where such a tragedy couldn’t be repeated.”

Shanna escaped facing the empty wall. ‘He’s back. Staxius’s back... What’s wrong with me, everything’s so dazed and distant. I feel alive again, was it just a massive dream, or did I really watch as the kingdom failed.’

“Mother, are you ok?” asked Eira shaking her shoulder.

“I’m good,” voiced she,”-I feel better than before,” strong on her feet, she regained her wits. “I’m sorry. Time came to a stop long before I realized it. I sort of reclused into self-pity, running away to leap into the arms of another man. I should have known he’d be back.”

“Mother,” smiled Julius and Eira, “-glad to see the old expression.”

“Sorry Julius and Eira, I was a fool,” stood to give a grand embrace, whispers came from out the room.

“What now?” asked Julius.

“We wait and watch,” smiled the Queen, “-I’d like to experience normal life for once. What’s done is done, I can’t take responsibility even if I wanted to. The fate of Arda lies in the Federation’s hand. Eira, decide for yourself.”

“Mother!” she cried, “-after all we’ve been through, you’re just going to stand there and do nothing. All of this was Father’s fault, why doesn’t anyone agree with me. He caused us pain, stole Julius and Lizzie away, trampled over my feelings, I wanted to be at his side, but he never cared. I won’t accept it, I WON’T!” she barged out the room. Below, Igna stood in the company of an office lady. Shanna and Julius follow suit.

“I’m back,” said Alicia, “-come here.”

“Easy,” said Igna holding her tightly, “-don’t throw the shoes onto the couch, it’s bad manners.”

“Whatever,” she nuzzled his chest, “-I don’t care.”

*Clop, clop, clop,* “-hello Alicia, how goes it?”

“Boss,” she gulped.

“No need,” he laughed, “-meet my lady mother and big sister.”

For the next hour, Julius and Igna held on conversing. Shanna’s mind lingered between jealousy and confusion. Eira remained more or less quiet – a conflict of interest. What she had done till now, sacrifices made, holding back on her wants; did it mean nothing, was all the effort pointless. Making amends in slaying his father, biting the hand that fed her out of kindness, killing a great man for the sake of killing. The slow agonizing guilt forced the mind to seek out an answer or a reason to justify the killing. What returned was a revelation, the strong leader and King Staxius had more secrets, each viler than the other.

‘I don’t have the right to judge,’ thought Shanna, ‘-I was the one in the wrong. What he said before was true. I made my peace and so did he, tis Igna Haggard that stands before me, not Staxius Haggard.’

“Igna,” gulped Alicia, “-who are they?”

“It’s as Julius said.”

“My name’s Shanna Islegust, and this here is my daughter, Eira Islegust. I’m Igna’s aunt, nice to meet you.”

“T-the pleasure i-is all mine, ma’am,” she gawked, “-sorry for staring, it’s just, your very pretty, my lady.”

“You flatter me,” she laughed. The doubt suddenly faded, the tragic queen of Arda laughed, her face glimmered in bliss. A lady who had been so lonely and sad for countless years laughed. In a way, Igna’s assault and rude tone gave closure. He said what needed to be said, no words minced and no underlying malicious intent.

“Cousin Igna,” whispered Julius, “-you’re a softhearted man deep down.”

“Shut up,” refuted he, “-else I’ll have you clean the toilet.”

“Please do,” they laughed, “-I’m glad I came. They’ll be able to turn over a new page.”

“Does the shrewdness know no bounds?” remarked Igna.

“No, I’m a son to a very mysterious man. Runs in the family blood,” laughter led to hysteria. The Queen found her way – though, the same couldn’t be said for the princess. Her expression seemed to be at a standstill, words could only do so much.

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