The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 697

“Could you keep the melodrama to a minimum,” returned a monotonous voice. The furrowed brows rose to a sight of disbelief, pages hovered above the patient, a gentle hue outlined the wounds – the one responsible, young in age, moved dexterously with an earthly calmness. One side of the tent held the mortally wounded left to die with the bare minimum, a flask of sleep-inducing drink, laid in a cabinet to the back, “-war’s a rough place. Put her on the bed there,” an arrow shaped red crystal pointed to his left, “-she’ll be fine, the bleeding seems to have stopped.”

“How can you, you haven’t even taken a look at us.”

“I can sense her life essence, all in the world is bound by mana; what physical form one take is a reflection of their spiritual form or ethereal psychic; in layman’s term, the human soul. Those who can freely manipulate mana are those who dictate the fate of most. Just so it happens,” strings swiftly stitched the patient, “-I’m here to help.”

“Who are you?”

“An alchemist, worry not about the small details,” he rushed over, “-was she inflicted by the monster curse?”

“No, I don’t think so, an arrow grazed her neck, she fe-”


“Yeah, should be enough,” a blueish hue robed about her wound, “-she’s lost a lot of blood, good job to the healer, they did awesomely in terms of first-aid,” wiping the sweaty forehead,”-I’ll treat her wounds, ask for the head doctor if there’s blood to spare. If not, ask him for the testing kit, we might just have to do a transfusion on the spot.”

“I will,” a nod and a dash – whimpers from the other patients came in volleys.

‘An Alchemist, I suppose I ought to save all of them. Coming here made me realize one thing, the thrill of a battle will never be quenched. Life and death, seeing warriors fight until they yield, strong monsters who don’t belong to Scifer’s realm; I might have stumbled onto a path.’

Scattered footsteps made across the yard, “-Doctor,” panted the vigilante.

“Not right now,” scowled a nurse, “-the doctor is busy,” she stepped outside, “-I’ll take care of matters here, doctor. Good luck.”

“Thank you, Ada,” a melancholic expression remained.

“What is it?” inquired the lady, her outfit, stained by blood and other dirtied substances; short hair tied tightly behind her back, a blue surgical mask, and darker complexion, “-are you going to cause a fit?”

“No, no,” he regained his breath, “-Nurse, I’ve come here to ask for blood. There’s an Alchemist who’s healing the patients. He asked for a blood testing kit if there was no blood available.”

“Excuse you?” she pushed him aside and stormed forward, ‘-alchemist, tis not the place for part-timers. The doctor made it clear any patient assigned to the side tent can’t be treated.’

They burst inside, “-imbeciles,” fired Igna, “-can’t you see I’m doing a surgery?” he fiercely glared the lady, “-nurse, have you brought blood or the testing kit, what is it?”

“Who are you?”

“Don’t get in his way,” fired the vigilante, “-he’s the only person who wishes to help the mortal patients. I don’t care, help or get out.”

“Are you insane, performing surgery here is...”

“Lady, listen to orders, I don’t need this from you. I’ll take personal responsibility for the patients here – now, will you help or get in the way?”

‘Who’s this person?’ left to right, ‘-that’s Igor, I thought he lost his arm and was near death – the latter’s fixed in place, the vital signs are present. Whoever this has real skill, employment of magic, and medical knowledge; Magiology from the South West, “-are you from Hidros?”

“Not the best time to conduct an interview. Go fetch the items I’ve asked for.”

“Alright, I’ll help,” she firmly nodded and ran.

‘The lives are the priority, she understood what I meant. Good, there are competent people around. Might not be such a bad thing after all,’ an empty barrier rose around a makeshift table, the lady with the neck wound slept solemnly, ‘-a cleansing barrier should replace the need for a sterile environment.’

“Nurse Ada, where are we headed?” they stormed inside the dormitory.

“To the kitchen,” said she, “-we’re storing blood there,” many of the vigilantes immediately got out the way.

“Today’s a rough day for the medics,” commented one.

“I know, they help us all the time, we owe our lives to them.”

“GO FOR IT, NURSE ADA,” cheered a few, “-YOU’RE THE BEST.”

Sweat on her face and pain in her legs, they reached the makeshift blood vault, “-no luck,” she panted, “-it’s empty.”

“Well, let’s get the testing kit instead,” said the vigilante.


“What’s the commotion about?” inquired Jonl crossing a window to the backyard.

“I’d guess patients from the fight against chains,” said Meza, “-the beast was finally defeated, I wonder who will be awarded the prize?”

“Beats me,” shrugged Aptha, “-I’m more worried about Cardie...”

“They won’t tell us anything,” sighed Meza, “-come on, let’s go have dinner, I’ll pick up the tab,” the gentle light from the outside cast rectangles onto the hallway’s floor, where the light wasn’t needed, darkness awaits. At night, only the cafeteria, dormitories, and backyard were given electricity for the latter be a scarcity in times of crisis. ‘They’ll announce the report in a few hours.’

Down below, tension heightened, “-I’m sorry, the vault is empty,” only a handful of tests laid to the side, “-I should perhaps ask for help from the others?”

“I expected as much,” he dropped his hands and exhaled, the surgical tools were held by an unseen force, “-nurse Ada, I need a favor.”

“What is it?”

“I’ll connect to the network and get access to the database, here’s my contact information. Take to the inside and bring whoever I name, is that ok?”

“Sure, will you transfuse the blood?”


“The necessary equipment is being used by another doctor. The reason for this tent is to free items for those who can be saved... I hope reality settles in.”

“There’s no need to worry,” he smiled, “-who said one needs tools to control blood,” moved to another patient, “-I’m counting on you,” and off they were. A gentle touch to the earring, “-I heard and understood, master, worry not, the database holds no secrets,” the information wrote itself across the lens.

‘Fate works in mysterious ways. Bunda, Harlie, and Jonas,’ the message soon transferred to Ada, who aided by Arkle, combed the cafeteria for the trio.

“Bunda,” a pair of cold hands grasped the man from the back.

“Can’t a man take a pee break?” the pants zipped to be pulled outside.

“Come with us...”

“Harlie,” cold fingers held her arms tight.

“Don’t startle me, a lady needs her breaks to keep pretty,” her eyes rolled.

“Come with us...”

“Jonas,” two enigmatic figures loomed in his shadow.

“If it’s money you want, I don’t have any...” a petrified sense of fear crashed against his face.

“Come with us...”

A few minutes later, the trio stood before the tent, “-hello, Harlie and Jonas, didn’t think we’d meet up so quickly.”

“Why you here?” inquired Harlie, “-Nurse Ada sure is on edge today.”

“Maybe because of a lover’s quarrel with the doctor.”

“Shut it,” *smack,* “-Jonas, come in.”

“The tent, did someone we know pass away?” inquired Bunda nonchalantly.

“No,” they dipped inside to a familiar face.

“Oh hell no,” the boys immediately spun on their heels, “-not going to happen.”

“No way out,” grinned Arkle, “-greenhorns need to listen to their elders.”

“Cut the crap, Arkle, you don’t know the devil of a man who stands behind us...”

“We meet again,” said Igna, “-there’s no need to fret,” a parting motion had the three flung onto chairs, *snap,* cheaply made ropes wrapped about their wrist and legs.

“No, no, no,” they struggled, “-I’m not going to take this!”

“Harlie, please,” fired Igna, “-don’t cause a mess; take a look around, they’re fighting life and death, some of them might never see the light of day again,” he paused and stared, Harlie barely looked her age and in a bad way, the information said of eighteen whilst she looked twenty-three. The dyed hair and obnoxiously thick make-up didn’t aid her cause, the body was one robust; a roundish face, rounded nose, and petit eyes, freckles made their mark on her cheeks. Opposite sat Bunda, the leader of the squad, a man who can create any weapons he wishes. Tall, brown, and bearing a somewhat muscular figure, the silvery earrings, light brown hair of which laid shy of the brows, made him quite a man to look at, looks didn’t make a person, the eccentric personality made the circle tight. Jonas, the typically snobbish-looking boy, for his age, looked younger, clean-shaven jaw, grey eyes, and dark hair, the shorter stature gained popularity as a little brother, or puppy, opposed to a young adult of twenty-three years old. From the trio to the lonesome Arkle, hard has he worked meant one thing, either he loved the lady or was overly guilty. Taller than the rest, a sharp nose and a prominent nose bridge, clean-shaven head, and glasses to firm a sense of sharpness.

“It might hurt a little,” said Igna, “-listen, Jonas, your blood matches hers, and from the physical exam records, thee matches the criteria. Will you help in saving another or remain quiet,” said he uncomfortably close.

“I’ll do it, whatever you want,” flash images of the tornado crossed his mind, “-I’ll do it...”

“Good,” *slash,* he slit the wrist, *Blood-Arts: Extria,* a line crystalline blood hovered gently into the barrier, ‘-this will be enough to help in the recovery.’ Once inside, the wound closed, a few potions and scrolls paired with a mana rejuvenation spell forcefully pulled her from death’s gate. Ada wasted no time intending to Jonas’s wound.

“Why have you tied us?” fired Harlie.

“For a simple reason,” the lady hovered to a vacant bed, “-about what happened earlier, the one who defeated Chains was that masked assassin.”

“I see,” nodded Jonas, “-I get it, it was the masked lady who killed the beast, sure, I wish I could have seen. Instead, I was trapped in an inferno, was too busy holding in my gut,” the sarcastic remark garnered laughter from Harlie.

“As a team leader, I proclaim so, Chains was defeated by the lady, are we in agreement?”

“Bunda, drop the accent,” sighed Harlie, “-we get it, boss man, thanks for the help against the wolves.”

The ropes slit on their own, “-go on, take a break for the day,” the tent emptied, “-Nurse Ada and Arkle, same to you. I’ll handle the rest.”

“Quite the persona,” remarked Ada who headed for the cafeteria. Midway, shrouded in shadows, Arkle dropped to his knees and face-planted the roughage of which was dry grass, “-I can’t believe it,” the shoulders and arms shook, “-she’ll live, Ania will live; the squads going to be happy.”

“Get up, it’s been a rough day, take a shower and rest.”

Meanwhile, further away, sat a figure unseen by the masses, ‘-I should drop the stalking habit, got me in a lot of trouble last time,’ it kept to the tree, ‘-maybe I should check on him... or maybe not?’ the tent’s covers parted, light from the inside overpowered the outside where the spotlights were toggled off.


An hour and a half elapsed, ‘-I’ve treated most of them,’ cigar in mouth, ‘-I need a break.’

‘Why’s he coming this way,’ twirled into the shadow of the trunk, ‘-I’m screwed, I don’t want to be found out.’


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