The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 742

Stairs soon dropped, the armed escort, similarly dressed to those stationed on the ground, descended, exchanged nods to lady Elvira, and fell into formation. A suited man exited first, tall and seeking, the exchanged gaze was one of enlightenment, one who had been through much trouble and clawed from the depth, a struggle to stay afloat in a sea of greed. The resolve, written in wrinkles and dark circles, could be read by any who’d been through a sliver of the pressure the man had endured. Gentle in his motion, the hat came off and soon hung side by side with a leather bag.

Behind, without much time wasted, a lady of slightly lowered height, exited gracefully. Though the hangar to be relatively windless, a breeze at said moment, hit her visage from the side, her hair swayed to the left. A brush behind her ear kept the hair in check all the while revealing the tan complexion of a lady who didn’t bear the sign of aging. She glided down and bore no visible tell of pressure or stress. Compared side by side, the lady, who by age was older than the man, seemed younger. Her attire, formal wear for the Elendorian Kingdom, seamlessly fit into the cultural acceptance of the province despite the emphasis on gold jewelry and precious stones. Her neck held a heavy necklace, the hair, held by gemstones, bangles onto her tan wrists and on the ankle, the makeup, a variation on what Alphia’s noble used to wear, gave the tan-lady an expression of fierceness.

“Welcome to Rotherham,” said lady Elvira, “-Queen Ela the third, it has been a while since you’ve paid us a visit.”

“Thank you very much,” she replied nonchalantly, the voice, neither hard nor soft kept composed, at times, the tone would fluctuate and sprinkle a hint of lightheartedness, while at others, would firm onto particular words to show confidence, “-Rotherham surely is a town worthy of the Haggard name,” she smiled and scanned, “-I wonder how much money was invested. Life sure must be nice.”

“My lady,” returned Elvira, “-are you perhaps insinuating the Federation’s playing favorites?” the stares crossed and electrified the atmosphere. The gentleman took no heed by the ladies and ambled to Igna who waited silently, a nod of the head led in a firm handshake.

“Long time no see, lord Igna.”


“Long time no see, lord Amsey, it truly has been a long time. The visage and posture are tell-tell signs of the war you must have fought. The trip must have taken a toll, why not rest until the paleness dissipates?”

“How very kind of you,” said parched lips through sunken cheeks, “-my complexion’s a result of countless sleepless nights. The responsibility was tremendous to bare, Igna,” he placed a hand atop Igna’s shoulders, “-you devil,” spoke in whispers, “-have you any idea how much pain I endured to cover for the little scheme you pulled. The conglomerates outright worthless...”

“No, you’re not,” he returned the feeling, “-look at it this way, the connection’s been established with Phantom, the Federation, and Elon’s dynasty. What more could a dying beast want; save water and a clear path to Elysium.”

“Cold as always,” exhaled a heavy sigh, “-feels good to be back,” a touch of color warmed his cheeks, “-I don’t regret the expedition, I’ve learned and gained more than a simple man could in a single lifetime,” the grip eased, “-could you be so kind and show me to my room, I’m exhausted.”

“No problem,” said Igna, “-they’ll drive thee to the hotel. Rest and call me when energy is replenished.”

“Understood,” the figure sloppily entered a car, tinted windows rolled, “-I’ll see you later, Igna.”

“Later,” he replied, a portion of the guards followed the man outward. A glance towards the other guest, a roar of the engine, thundered as it did, didn’t once shake the rather crudely worded welcome.

A pull onto the shirt stole his focus, Serene waited coyly, “-over here,” she said, her tightly fitted clothes, blatant distraction effective on the opposite sex, didn’t hold the expected results, “-they’ll keep going without stop. Queen Ela and Lady Elvira may seem crossed by one another, the fact is, they couldn’t be any closer to one another. Rumors have spread of a sapphic bond between the two, tell me, does the argument not seem peculiar and childish at best. There is the world, companionship is found at any corner,” warm feeble fingers interlocked with his, “-they make my cold heartbeat in anticipation. Igna,” she turned, warm cheeks and lustful in the gaze, “-I’ll say it again and again, you’re single...”

“And I’ll reply with,” he pushed her against the SUV, the guards retreated, “-try me once again, and I swear, I might take up on the offer,” he pushed his knee between her legs.

“-Try me,” she glared defiantly.

“You asked for it,” he nuzzled her cheeks, working down to the neck, *Bite,* blood trickled, the fingers went around her waist and touched the door, *Spatial-Arts: Wormhole,* they vanished into an oval-shaped opening.

“Hold on a moment,” exclaimed Ela, “-Elvira, didn’t we have more people?”

“Did we?” she side-glanced, a guard hurried to report the information discreetly, “-those two,” the head shook, “-meanwhile we argued, they snuck to share an intimate moment.”

“Are you not surprised?”

“No, not in the least,” she shrugged, “-Serene’s been aching to taste her master, there I quoted her own words. Igna’s a young adult; her constant provocation and his sound resolve is a sign of a matured man. Let them have fun I say,” she smiled, “-they sure lightened the mood. How about we head home, Ela?”

“Lead the way,” she smiled, “-I’m glad to be back,” the shadow cast underneath the jet, where the two argued, made it hard to see – between Serene’s advances and Amsey’s return, there was no way to notice the spark of crimson within Ela’s gaze.

A faint draft snuck inside a tranquil room, curtains to the balcony danced to the tune of distant traffic and everyday life, the clock displayed 09:43, as for the date, the second of December, medium curly length hair awoke by a thud, ‘-looks to be the next day. Did I seriously sleep all that time?’ he stood barefoot to the wooden floor, shuffled outside, “-nice view, isn’t it,” said a voice from the side.

“Master Igna,” he yawned and held the balustrade, “-how long have you been here?”

“I only just woke up,” he sipped warm tea, “-yesterday was one to remember. The trains truly are an amazing piece of innovation, from Dorchester, Riverwood, Rosespire, and lastly, Rotherham, so many faraway places reached in hours – the extortionate price of the faster line is worth the spend. How was your day?”

“Mine,” he lazily tied the hair in a low bun, “-no idea, I slept it off I suppose. Serious question, what am I supposed to do?”

“Accompany me,” suggested Igna, “-there’s much to do, especially today.”

“If you’ll have me, then sure,” he backtracked and fell onto the beach-styled chair, “-my intellect is above average, my strength in battle is what I have, my fellow angels share their thirst for revenge; an emotion I can’t quite keep under control.”

“Don’t fight it, allow the emotion to flow through thy veins. The comrades aren’t here, however, the burning hatred that flows as we speak is akin to them being channeled through you. The fire will die eventually, there’s no need to act just yet. We’ll make use of the thirst one day or the other.”

“If you say so, we’re tied by a bond, I’ll follow per my will,” light steps scurried against the inner wooden floor, the distance sound seemed to sprint, “-we have guests?” sat by Igna’s side, a confused expression begot but a shrug and a sip from Igna.

“Where are you,” blankets swamped into the doorway, “-IGNA!”

“Good morning, Serene,” he returned nonchalantly.

“You bastard,” she leaped to straddle and grab his flimsy shirt, the blanket fell to reveal undergarments, “-what was yesterday about!”

“Oh, calm down,” he exhaled, “-we spent the night bonding, I don’t see why you’re angry now?”

“No, I’m not angry,” she gritted, “-just annoyed about what we did,” the grip eased, “-whatever, what’s done is done,” she rested on his chest, “-I got to taste my master, I’m happy.”

“And I got to release pent-up frustrations. Also, meet Raphael, an archangel.”

“Archangel?” she rose, brazen about her state – the comfy blanket slid onto the floor, “-nice to meet you, Serene Balthazar, a nightwalker and assistant to lady Elvira, though I used to be the secretary for this man,” she pinched his cheeks, “-I hope we get along.”

“Stop,” murmured Igna, “-my cheeks aren’t flexible...”

“Whatever,” she winked, “-last night was the first step in the creation of the harem, I’ve got you now,” she grinned viciously and skedaddled inside.

“My master’s Casanova...”

“Ignore her claims about a harem, I don’t much care for carnal pleasures. Her provocations tickled my fancy, figured why not. No matter, go get ready, dawn one of the suits inside, clean up the stubble, your bone structure is better without facial hair.”

“Alright, see you in a bit,” heavier steps diffused inside whereby a casual conversation sparked.

*Incoming Message,* read the lens’ interface, *-Federation meeting has been postponed until further notice.*

“Until further notice?” sat up straight, the menu scrolled to éclair’s contact information, *Calling,* it read.


“Hello, éclair, good morning.”

“Good morning master,” said a very friendly and energetic voice.

“I trust you’re doing well?”

“Very well actually,” though unable to see the expression, the tone sufficed to imagine a large contagious grin, “-been busy with the whole sister system. Claire needs a few adjustments to the core. The artificial core can’t compare to mine, a shaky foundation is bound to break under the pressure. I apologize for rambling on, might I be of service?”

“My inquiry can be put on the backburner, the sister system, updated version of the AFR, right?”

“Correct, the Alchemist sect has been working hard to no avail, no matter the improvement we bring, the core is fundamentally flawed. It’s similar to broken glass – the pieces can be put in place, alas, the bigger picture remains shattered.”

“There’s a simple fix, melt the glass and reshape the picture. If the core is flawed; why not look for another.”

“I’m afraid we can’t find the soul here or in the Shadow Realm, I’ve looked.”

“Not here,” he replied confidently, “-I’m referring to Draebala; the same place I fought you and Intherna. The realm is crawling with fallen gods and demons, the slum and battleground for an egotistical, power-tripping higher being. I’m sure lady Miira can transfer me there, I’ll look for and capture a demon or god to serve as the secondary core to you. Will those terms be acceptable?”

“Impressive, very impressive. On paper it sounds simple, however, Draebala is a battlefield for gods. The mortal vessel might not survive the transfer, let alone the harsh climate.”

“People live in Draebala, there are entities who were born, lived, and died in said world. I’ll be fine. Now’s a perfect time, the council meeting’s been postponed, any idea why?”

“They want to have this particular meeting in person. Easel Run Gard has personally requested the gathering. If I were to guess, they’re interested in the representative of Arda, the prince, fondly nicknamed the Devil of Glenda.”

“Just to be on the same page, Elon’s Dynasty, are they with the Federation or just Phantom.”

“Only Phantom, lord Elon’s not one for politics. He’s too busy enjoying life as a youth, building up the fortune ten-fold.”

“Let them be curious, priority is to have Claire operational. I can’t possibly allow my most trusted aid to face such a quandary alone. Leave it to me, éclair; I’ll depart for Draebala as soon as possible.”

“Understood, master,” *Transmission Ended.*

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