The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1006



“What’s surprising about that,” it hissed, “-drop the act. I can feel the anger and rage. A layer of indifference started to pile upon thy heart. The Death Element’s returned home. It’s amazing, the way the element accepted the change, the way it responded – there a bond I can’t ever experience.”

“Death Element,” palms still over his chest, “-it feels weird to have him back. I don’t have the words to describe such feelings. It’s, I don’t know, it’s nostalgic – the best way I can say it. No matter, the contract, care to explain?”

“I’m the curse of misfortune. Despite my uncaring appearance, the ‘no-emotion’ portrait on my scalp, and the serpent’s gaze, are all an act. I can’t express myself. I want more, I want to experience much of what the world has to offer. Of course, as a newly inherited Death Reaper, I’m bound to stay at your side.”

“Is that so?” a brazen look washed the expressive contours, “-surely there’s a choice.”


“There is,” it replied, “-there is a choice to say no. There are the options of not inflicting Misfortune, stopping my hobby won’t cause any harm. It’ll only increase my boredom. Then again, my powers are too tempting to not use... you know?”

“Suppose I can relate. Understood, Curse of Misfortune; make your case.”

“Payment will be me and all that I possess and stand for. By the look, it seems you understand what I entail. Reason for my change of heart; interest. You, Igna Haggard, have piqued my curiosity. I feel a strange attachment, a lingering feeling of, ‘-I remember this man’ a very weird feeling indeed. Tell me, are you hiding more secrets?”

“Wouldn’t be much of a secret.”

“My, thy tongue sure has sharpened.”

“Tell me, what is it that you wish in exchange?”

“Inclusion in the Shadow Realm. I want a vessel and ease of transfer between this form and a humanoid body. I also want to be involved in your entourage. Consider me a faithful guardian or a family-friendly spirit.”

“Family-friendly... coming from you, it sounds so wrong on so many levels. I heard the request and I accept.”

31st of January, a week after the incident; curtains split. A splash of sunlight shattered what little sleep was to be had. A discomforting groan escaped, “-it’s too early.”

“Too late,” returned a chipper voice, “-come on, breakfast’s ready.”

“Why not wake up and play some games like normal kids your age.”

“Please,” the strange addition left. The yet focus vision suffered a turnover back palm from Syhton, her black hair and radiant complexion faired badly against Igna’s indifferent expression, “-watch it,” he moved her hand, “-hey,” he leaned over and gave a soft peck on her forehead, “-you’ll be late for work.” The eyelids burst open, crystal blue pupils flashed, “-holy,” he chuckled, “-so much for waking up like a goddess.”

“Shut it,” she rose her arms and pushed his face aside, “-work is traumatizing.”

“Well, you are a superstar,” he smiled, “-comes with the territory.”

“Shut up,” she slid into slippers, covered her body with a nightgown left hanging off the bedside table, “-Julius’s a slavedriver. I’m going to the showers, want to join?”

“Not today,” he smiled, “-you need to look your best.”

“Right, the premiere,” she neared the door, “-I better see you at the cinema, else,” a cut-slicing motion followed, “-I’ll kill you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” the distant sound of water flowed. He ambled to the balcony and unlocked the door. A burst of air flowed inward, a simple snap summoned a fireball, “-puff,” smoke lost to the windy morning. ‘Is this what calm feels like?’ he puffed, watching over the bustling city – Lei. The castle begged for the king to take time off. Elixia was very adamant on him not be present. ‘-People going to work, teenagers returning from the entertainment stripe, man, Lei’s become the new Odgawoan. Aunt’s been saying it for years... never believed it, never did until now,’ as he observed, an advertising airship hovered by – Syhton’s movie, “-the fall of Legiz,” featured trailers and very emotive pictures, ‘-first action movie featuring a female lead. Julius sure was gutsy, taking a gamble like that. Depending on how the populous receives the production, Apexi’ subsidiary Movie Company could take a massive loss,’ cigarette neared its end. Frosty outside swapped for a cozy interior.

“Good morning, Midne,” said Igna.

“Good morning, master,” she returned with hands busy cleaning the living room, “-breakfast is ready.”

“You do amazing work,” they shared a complex handshake and by the end locked arms, “-how’s the castle?”

“Doing alright,” she winked, “-better than when you’re around?”

“HA!” the lock eased for a fist bump, “-the portal’s ready by the way.”


“Yeah,” a ring summoned, “-easy access. Go take a break, you deserve it.”

“Understood,” she wore the accessory and gleamed, “-finally, I can travel back and forth without waiting for éclair’s approval.”

“Have you eaten?”

“No, but I plan on catching the tram. Serene and I made plans.”

“Then go,” he stopped, “-forget the cleaning and go, I’ll take care of it.”

“But majesty...”

“Hey, no arguments,” he narrowed, “-are you so brazen to ignore a request from your king?”

“No but still.”


“Fine, I’ll go,” she instantly swapped clothes and vanished. The apartment gathered its breath – having her around was like sprinting. Between her energy and contagious smile, there was no room to be sad or feeling down. ‘-Sole reason the castle holds itself together,’ Igna joined a simply dressed table, compared to the lavish apartment, the difference added a hint of freshness, ‘-not because of me or the ministers. Without Midne, I’m sure the pressure would have killed their morale.’

“Rude to think without eating.”

“Good morning to you,” he said, “-how many times must I ask, don’t come into our bedchambers unannounced.”

“What, I’m no stranger to the bonding of flesh. Besides, they play that sort of thing all the time on the television after nine.”

“Seriously,” he paused, shy of biting a scrumptious sandwich, “-I granted you the body of a teenager, you’re thirty at worse and fifteen at best... I did say it would be better if I gave the body of an adult.”

“No, I want to experience what the younger people have to experience.”

“I’m sure you made many friends,” he rested the sandwich, opting to sip juice, “-speaking like an old man.”

“Right, the subject of friends.”

“Don’t,” Igna rose an open palm, “-I don’t want to hear excuses. If you can’t make friends, I can’t do anything.”

The boy rolled his eyes and focused on the immediate trial – breakfast.

‘Curse of Misfortune is now a student by the name of Cruse Ortun at Modie’s Private Academy. Came as a shock, he vehemently argued about experiencing youth. I did say it would be a hard trial, the world of a teenager revolves around pornography and acting tough. The mental age is on par with an enlightened one. Good thing I made the vessel handsome. Light gray colored hair and eyes, sharp facial features, and an impressive jawline. The body’s fit to be a world-class athlete and blessed with the Apprentice and Prodigy trait. He’s gotten a head start, I wonder how the students view him.’

“Joined any clubs?”

*Cough,* “-clubs?” orange juice spilled, “-n-no, I don’t t-t-think so?”

“Right,” Igna grinned, “-a hopeless old man in the body of a youth. Stop being so stuck up, Cruse. You have my blessing and my influence – as the child of a long relative, you were asked to join the palace...”

“Yes, yes, I know the story. I come from Iqeavea, a son of an impoverished noble family who shared ties with the Haggard dynasty. I came to his majesty’s court to learn the ways of the world and build something for myself. I know, you had me repeat the lines until daybreak...”

“Did I now?” Igna averted the frown, “-Cruse, seriously, don’t be so uptight. You’re a teenager, don’t force yourself to act like anyone. Don’t try to fit in, believe in what you want, follow what you wish, and do what thy mind takes interest in. It’s fine not to fit in, it’s fine not to have many friends – though I’m sure that pretty face of yours has been the subject of various dramas.”

“Yeah,” he gloomily grabbed the half-empty cup, “-I had five girls ask me out on a date.”

“Good, accept it and go out.”

A sudden tap came heavily, “-don’t listen to him,” glared Syhton, “-Cruse, do what you want but never break a maiden’s heart. This guy is the expert in heartbreak, and I rather you never become like him.”

*Beep, beep,* “-damn, he’s here,” quick to pull his bag, “-I’ll be back later, have fun!”

“You too, Cruse, have fun.” Such was the start of an unlikely entity’s life within the mortal world. Syhton left the room later on.

The television played, Igna kicked his feet over the table and watched, “-nothing’s interesting,” he cycled through news, scanned previews, and eventually gave up, dropping the remote and turning towards the bar. Heavy drinks poured, ‘-a lonely drink,’ he gulped and sighed, “-I wonder what Miira and Lilith are up to?” as if fate – two scrolls dropped at his side, “-reports from Miira,” said one, “-report from Lilith,” said the other.

“Greetings Igna, I send this report with hopes that it doesn’t arrive too late. My trip to heaven city was insightful. Years have passed since Gophy’s disappearance – the heavenly realm seems to have forgotten a goddess by her name ever existed. I heard from Draebala, that our faction established stronger ties with the nobles and has made takes with the Eipea Empire. Latter was unimpressed and by Zeus’ comments, I doubt we’ll ever reach speaking terms. I was shocked when I heard from éclair, that they did launch an attack. My sources tell me it wasn’t planned, seems to have been a spur-of-the-moment action. Regardless, I’m choosing to stay – long as I don’t directly cross their paths, as possible inheritor to the title of Supreme god – Zeus’ faction is scared.” Signed Miira.

“Lilith here,” read the other, “-the Aapith Nation’s nothing short of amazing. I’ve had so much fun here, the souls of the demented and endless supply of body have made my fantasies greater. Igna, I don’t know if I can help myself, the Aapith nation feels just right for me. My children are here, the answer to every whim, I even sentenced one of the council lords to leap into an erupting volcano, you should have seen the look on his face. Well, I was surprised to see him laughing and swimming. Dear Igna, I need time to reflect. I’ve had more fun here than anywhere else. See you soon,” signed Lilith.

A loud flame burnt the scrolls, “-Lilith and Miira have joined their respective factions. I can’t impose on them; they kindly guarded the Shadow Realm and choose to stay by my side despite my weaknesses. Who am I to interject if they find happiness. Cliché as it sounds, the greatest love is the ability to let go.”

*Dring, dring,* “-incoming call, Julius.”


“Brother,” said a pant, “-where are you?”

“At my apartment, why?”

“Can you make it to this address?”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll be there.”

“Please be quick, it’s of the utmost importance.”

Helmet over his head – the king tore through the streets, pushing three digits on the narrow roads. The location came as followed; an apartment building placed a twenty-minute walk from Apexi’s studio. ‘This place,’ he slowed and stopped at the gates, ‘-the Apexi owned apartments.’

“Identification,” said the guard.

He took off the helmet, “-Will this suffice?”

“Young master, please, go in.”

Ambulances and police vehicles were at the ready. Julius’ frightened look turned at Igna, there, it seemed to ease, “-brother, it’s bad.”

“What’s happened?” Igna marched to the inspector, “-did someone die?”

“I’m afraid so,” said the inspector, “-we were called to investigate a foul smell. Our team found the body of Scott hung against his bedframe. Coroner’s primary investigation says it’s a suicide. I know it’s not protocol, but here,” he handed over a letter, “-these are the last word Scott spoke.”


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